Saturday 24 April 2010

Illustrated cookie...

I decided to try illustrating the cookie to add to my poster instead of having a photographic image, I think this is going to work much better with my design and concept. Below is my original hand drawn illustration of my cookie.

I then took my illustration into illustrator and live traced the image and added appropriate colour.

Here is my illustrated cookie placed on to the poster. I think this whole concept is working a lot better than what I was working with before. There are not too many aspects of the poster fighting for attention and I have also re considered the layout of the type making it centered which has also benifited my design.

This is my final and decided composition for my Love Your Body campaign. I have printed the final poster onto sandy colour paper and it gives it a really authentic and quite vintage feel to it. The cookie cards have been printed on the same paper to keep some consistency to the brief.

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