Monday 19 April 2010

Again another composition but it is still not working properly, I printed these designs off and showed a few people and asked for their opinions, the verdict was like I said that everything in the poster was competing with eachother and I need to maybe just have one or the other.
Someone suggested having computer generated type conveying the message but then try illustrating the cookie. I am going to try this and if it works then Ill stick with that but if it doesnt I am just going to stick with what I started with...

I thought that maybe adding a cookie behind the type would help create a clearer concept but the poster is still not working properly.

Trying to make the type into a shape of a cookie, this has ended up being hard to read and looses concept.
Below are a range of type experiments that I have played with to try and create a good composition for my poster. I think I am trying too hard here and I have been looking at it for far too long, I think I need to step back and simplify.

I started experimenting with the type by reflecting it but I think this just confuses the whole design.
This below is hand drawn type I have created to maybe place onto my poster, I wanted the type to be more fun and vibrant and I thought that maybe making it out of cookies would add some excitement to the poster.Below I have placed the hand drawn type into context of the poster, I think it looks fun and exciting but i think there is too many aspects of the poster competing with one another as there is hand drawn type, photography and digital type.

Below I started developing the first stages of a potential type face that I could use for this brief.

I also thought about maybe experimenting with the type Bebas a little bit to make it slightly more individual as bebas seems to be using a lot, im not sure if this looks appropriate enough yet though.

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