Monday 22 March 2010

Development from initial idea...

Although I did like my original concept of using the phrase 'Your body is a temple' I think that I was struggling to communicate properly to my target audience and actually create the right reaction from them. I want people to be able to look at the poster and reallllly believe that they should love their body. I need it to be slightly edgy and fun!

This is the original drawing that i have prepared to take into illustrator to experiment with colour. The whole concept behind this drawing is that I wanted to excenturate the word 'curvalicious' the curvy, curvacious lines looking like the outline of a womans body! I think i maybe need to work into the drawing more slightly to make this more obvious and make my concept clearer. Using the right colours will also help this.I have live traced my drawing to give me more clear and precise lines which will look a lot more professional and clean.
I then began to add appropriate colour relating to skin tones...emphasising loving your body.

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