Friday 28 May 2010

Final Boards

These are the final 4 boards for the Love Your Body campaign brief showing a clear story through my concept and outcomes.

Poster in placed in context

I have tried placing the poster that was produced for the Love Your Body campaign into appropriate contexts. For instance, in newspapers, i could see it being placed in the stylist magazine, in gyms, bus stops, train stations all where alot of people are going to see them and become aware of the campaign. Placing the poster in gyms would be a perfect place, where in some cases some women are very caught up on their bodies.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Final photography

This is the final photography portraying my Love Your Body campaign, I am really pleased with th outcomes of this brief. My ideas for this brief hav changed so many times but once I had this inparticular ide in my head I knew I had to just go with it and I think it has been rally sucessful.
I have focused on type and illustration to convey my message for the Love Your Body Campaign and I have encouraged women to 'have a little bit of what you fancy'.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Mailshot design for Love Your Body campaign.

This is the composition I am going for, this letter head will be printed on the same stock that my poster for the campaign is printed on. I have also added an address to the letter head as this is a vital piece of information that needs to be displayed.

Below are two other examples of how my letterhead could look, thinking about whether or not the information looks better centered or aligned to the left.

Producing a mailshot will help communicate my message to women to a wider and bigger audience and will attract more attention.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Promotional cookie give away...

Final packaged cookies which will be distributed around the city for the Love Your Body campaign. These will be handed out to women and are kind of a ploy to discourage eating disorders!

Final design i have decided to go with, ties in with poster effectively.

This two examples below are different ways in which I could make the little cardboard slip that will go over the cookie bag. As you can see i thought about maybe adding bite marks into the paper to emphasi the 'take a bite', i think the bite mark looks better in the corner though.
Having a bite mark in the corner would be quite tricky if i wanted to staple the pack together so I would have to think of something else to hold the card onto the plastic.
This simple design could work better than the bite mark idea because the wording that I have used is almost enough itself.
I decided to go and buy little recealable plastic wallets that could hold my give away cookies for the promotion. These work perfectly and are going to be complimented by a cardboard slip at the top to inform people of the promotion.

Saturday 24 April 2010

Illustrated cookie...

I decided to try illustrating the cookie to add to my poster instead of having a photographic image, I think this is going to work much better with my design and concept. Below is my original hand drawn illustration of my cookie.

I then took my illustration into illustrator and live traced the image and added appropriate colour.

Here is my illustrated cookie placed on to the poster. I think this whole concept is working a lot better than what I was working with before. There are not too many aspects of the poster fighting for attention and I have also re considered the layout of the type making it centered which has also benifited my design.

This is my final and decided composition for my Love Your Body campaign. I have printed the final poster onto sandy colour paper and it gives it a really authentic and quite vintage feel to it. The cookie cards have been printed on the same paper to keep some consistency to the brief.

Monday 19 April 2010

Again another composition but it is still not working properly, I printed these designs off and showed a few people and asked for their opinions, the verdict was like I said that everything in the poster was competing with eachother and I need to maybe just have one or the other.
Someone suggested having computer generated type conveying the message but then try illustrating the cookie. I am going to try this and if it works then Ill stick with that but if it doesnt I am just going to stick with what I started with...

I thought that maybe adding a cookie behind the type would help create a clearer concept but the poster is still not working properly.

Trying to make the type into a shape of a cookie, this has ended up being hard to read and looses concept.
Below are a range of type experiments that I have played with to try and create a good composition for my poster. I think I am trying too hard here and I have been looking at it for far too long, I think I need to step back and simplify.

I started experimenting with the type by reflecting it but I think this just confuses the whole design.
This below is hand drawn type I have created to maybe place onto my poster, I wanted the type to be more fun and vibrant and I thought that maybe making it out of cookies would add some excitement to the poster.Below I have placed the hand drawn type into context of the poster, I think it looks fun and exciting but i think there is too many aspects of the poster competing with one another as there is hand drawn type, photography and digital type.

Below I started developing the first stages of a potential type face that I could use for this brief.

I also thought about maybe experimenting with the type Bebas a little bit to make it slightly more individual as bebas seems to be using a lot, im not sure if this looks appropriate enough yet though.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Cookie pics...

This is the final edited cookie that I have chosen to use for my poster for the Love Your Body campaign.
I have experimented with the exposure and the brightness and contrast to make the cookie look more 'yummy' and attractive.This is the initial photograph that I took of my cookie, I wanted the photograph to be really close up, clear and precise and look really yummy and edible!

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Developed ideas...

These are the layouts for the little promotional cookie packet handouts.

Final poster design.
These are the final compositons, layouts and colour variations in which I am going to choose from, I have asked quite a few people what they think and they seem to prefer the bottom layouts and find the top ones slightly confusing.
Further development... adding a border adds more depth to the poster and frames the information inside.

Development of layout and content.

The concept behind this is as follows: I came up with 'be curvalicious' and i wanted to incorporate this into something that was going to emphasis to women that they should love their bodies.
So i decided to make little promotional cookie packs that will be handed out, so many women get obsessed with food and this little pack encourages women that a little bit of what you fancy wont hurt and to get curvalicious and to love your body.
So there will be packs handed out and there will also be posters to help promote.